What I’m going to tell you here is everything you need to know around SARMs legality in the USA. I’m going to talk to you about the SARMs control at 2018, and the later SARMs control act of 2019.
I’m going to answer the key question around are SARMs legal in the USA, and whether the SARMs control act of 2019 will actually come into force and impact on the buying and selling of SARMs.
Plus, I’m going to look at the legality and availability of SARMs in a bit more detail, including explaining to you how the laws in China have changed, meaning that the cheap and plentiful supply of SARMs in the near future could be restricted, and pose a far bigger risk to SARMs availability than any federal laws.
What Is The Legal Status Of SARMs In The USA Right Now?
At the time of writing this, SARMs are legal to sell in the USA as long as they are sold as “research chemicals”.
This means you can buy them to “research”. I’ve no idea what that really means, but basically you can buy them even though they’ve never been licensed for human use.
However, you can’t sell SARMs if you are knowingly selling them to someone human consumption. Neither can you advertise them for human consumption, nor state (or even imply) benefits to humans.
They are not covered by the FDA as a supplement to human use, which is why some SARMs sellers fall foul of the law when they imply that humans can benefit from them.
But this hasn’t been enough to satisfy the people who want to ban them, to basically classify them in the same way as steroids or prohormones, and get them onto the controlled substances list under Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which would classify them with steroids, and things like heroin and other narcotics.
The Original SARMs Control Act Of 2018 Explained
In 2018, Senator Orrin Hatch, together with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, introduced legislation to try and add SARMs to the schedule III controlled substances list.
The schedule III controlled substance list is part of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) so the act is basically a bill that has to pass through Congress to add SARMs to that list in the original act.
This was done due to ongoing adverse publicity for SARMs, including claims that SARMs damage the liver. However, this appears to be from limited evidence, and legal challenges on this have yet to produce any concrete evidence scientifically that SARMs do damage healthy livers.
Also, when no human trials been done, meaning that no dosage guide have ever been produced, how can anyone define what a reasonable doses, and what would have to be taken to potentially damage the liver?
Due to ongoing resistance and challenges on the detail, and the retirement of Sen Hatch, alongside escalating problems in Congress with other issues, the SARMs control act of 2018 was not passed.
The Second SARMs Control Act In 2019
The failure of the SARMs control act of 2018 did not deter Sen Sheldon Whitehouse from introducing a second SARMs control act in 2019.

He did this together with Sen Chuck Grassley, and it was very similar to the 2018 amendment bill, however it did include more detail on the types of supplements that should be included. Notably, this broadened the context of what will be classed as SARMs.
The rush to add SARMs to the controlled substances list was further bolstered by the public federal case against Blackstone labs, a prominent supplement firm (who still exist).
Blackstone labs were indicted on 14 charges around selling and legal supplements for human consumption. This was on top of marketing them for human use, selling band anabolic steroids, disguising what was actually in supplements, shady business practices, and even impersonating FDA officials.
Another SARMs company, Enhanced Athlete, were also put under investigation by the FDA and the DEA in 2018 for selling banned compounds. First their business premises were raided by the FDA. Then the managing director was arrested for skipping bail (on unrelated charges). Then they were sued by another supplement company for marketing sabotage and, on top of that they are under federal investigation for selling banned supplements. Classy outfit.
So the perception of SARMs being damaging, alongside evidence of shady dealings, meant that during 2019 there was considerable momentum behind the second SARMs control act.
However, as of writing this, the SARMs control act of 2019 has not entered Congress to be voted on. Nor, if I’m honest, do I think it ever will be.
It’s already been a year, and with the coronavirus crisis, on top of spiraling unemployment, with the longest federal shutdown ever last January and another one looming this January, it just feels like the momentum has gone out of targeting SARMs.
There’s another reason as well, which I will talk about more later. But basically, the Chinese government’s legal changes to the status of SARMs in China, under pressure from the American government, means that SARMs legality in the US are pretty irrelevant if supplies are going to dry up anyway.
Should SARMs Be Added To The List Of Controlled Substances?
So where is the evidence that SARMs should be scheduled in the USA? Are SARMs legal? Currently, and I suspect they will be for a long time because the evidence just doesn’t stack up.
Sen Grassley stated that “by placing SARMs on the same schedule as other anabolic steroids we are ensuring a safe and more transparent marketplace”.
That statement is problematic because it doesn’t even talk about safety, it’s talking about profit. It’s the same reason why one prohormone, DHEA, was excluded from addition to the controlled substances list under the prohormones control act in 2014.
It’s this resistance, conflict over profit and marketing, alongside sketchy details on whether SARMs actually cause damage to the body or not, that means anyone pushing that bill through Congress is going to have a tough job justifying it.
The bottom line is that there isn’t a shred of scientific evidence conclusively says that SARMs damage the liver, or indeed any other organs in the body. Nor is there any evidence that SARMs don’t work as intended, or that there are any long term side effects to watch out for. It’s all anecdotal, and proving it legally could be hugely problematic.
There’s another reason why SARMs shouldn’t be added to the controlled substances list in my opinion as well though, and legally, I think it’s going to be a minefield for anyone trying to achieve that goal.
The 2019 SARMs control act talks about SARMs is mimicking or enhancing testosterone. It also talks about any supplement that builds muscle, or replaces testosterone in the body to achieve that.
So primarily, the SARMs control act is worded at the moment for anabolic SARMs, which only covers a handful of the SARMs out there. These anabolic SARMs are also mentioned by name in the act, and several key ones are missing.
You have to look at how some related supplements aren’t actually SARMs at all, namely Cardarine, Ibutamoren, and Stenabolic, could easily be excluded from the SARMs control act. This is because they are not anabolic, and their primary purpose is not to build muscle.
Cardarine is well known for its ability to induce higher levels of energy output, which is why it is a banned substance in sports, and why so many sportspeople have been caught using it. But it doesn’t build muscle, and it’s not androgenic, so it wouldn’t truly be covered by the SARMs control act.
So for me, I just can’t see how SARMs can be banned completely, or how legal challenges couldn’t tie the SARMs control act and people trying to enforce if it wants to pass, down in a legal quagmire for years.
My gut feeling is the SARMs control act 2019 will never reach a vote, or if it does, it will be voted down. But whatever way it goes, it’s not going to happen any time soon.
This Is The Biggest Threat To SARMs Being Available To Buy
For me, the biggest threat to SARMs availability in the USA, is not SARMs legality in the US, but SARMs availability.

At the moment, more than 90% of the SARMs produced are made in China.
However, under pressure from the US government for a trade deal at the end of 2019, the Chinese government banned the manufacturer and export of SARMs globally.
So the supply of cheap Chinese SARMs is going to dry up. This is going to be accelerated by the downturn in Chinese industry output due to coronavirus as well.
Which means once the stocks in the US dwindle, prices will go up, and availability will go down. Until supplies around will pick up the slack, which could take years in the current environment, SARMs could die an almost natural death apart from diehards anyway.
If you’re interested in SARMs, buy them now. Make sure they are purity guaranteed, and use them sensibly. But don’t worry about the SARMs control act, because it’s not going to impact on anything in any near future.